References sellers

Sellers recommend German Property Services on Moselle and Rhine, in Eifel and Hunsrueck.

The sale of your property is associated with many emotions. Very often it means a dramatic change in your life. We try to develop understanding for your personal situation as a seller. We take your concerns seriously. We will show you that in our opinion our job means more than just unlock a property or apartment and close it again after the visit of a potential buyer.
We work competently in 5 languages, listen to you and are open and honest with you. We accompany you from the first contact until after your move with understanding, patience and empathy. We take much time to create the presentation of your property on paper and on the Internet, with much attention to detail and good photos. Our prospective buyers from all over the world receive a comprehensive and meaningful exposé, so that they can already get a good impression of your property before a visit.
See for yourself.

Moselle • Rhine • Eifel • Hunsrueck
Our Service: References Home Sellers
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Modernised character property with 4 holiday apartments

of which living space (m²)210 sqm
Grundstück Objekt (m²)130 sqm